
In the near future mutants, i.e. people with special abilities, are feared by so-called normal human beings and prejudiced against. Professor Charles Xavier, himself a mutant, believes that mutants and humans can exist peacefully together, but his old friend Magneto does not share his optimism and plans violent change. None other than Xavier and his X-Men can stop Magneto from carrying out his destructive plans.
In contrast to the "Superman" movies Bryan Singer's excellent adaptation of Marvel Comics' X-Men takes its fictional world and its characters seriously, and for good reason. X-Men has more to it than meets the eye: underneath the superhero story and the imaginative special effects lies an allegory of good and evil, tolerance and prejudice.
Although X-Men is not open-ended, it leaves a lot of questions unanswered. I look forward to the sequel.
Directed by:
Music composed by:
Written by:
David Hayter from a story by Tom DeSanto and Bryan Singer.

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