Original title: Blinkende lygter
Made in: Denmark 2000
Length: 109 min.
Seen: at the cinema 13-11-2000
Review read: 164443 times


Anders Thomas Jensen, who has won an Academy Award and been nominated thrice in the short film category, proves that he is also a talented feature film director and screenwriter.
Blinkende lygter (Flickering Lights) is a witty and unpredictable story of four friends, Torkild, Peter, Arne and Stefan, who run away with a large sum of money belonging to a ruthless gangster. They plan to go to Barcelona, but they have not even left the country when Peter is shot in his leg during the breakin in which they aquire the money. Until his wound has healed they will have to stay put in a derelict house which used to be a restaurant.
A disquieting view of the female sex and the repellent mix of violence and comedy are mannerisms that Anders Thomas Jensen hopefully will cast aside in his next production.
Directed by:
Written by:
Anders Thomas Jensen.

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