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Original title:
Miss Congeniality

Made in:
USA, Australia 2000

110 min.

on DVD 15-05-2001

Review read:
124517 times

Our rating
This movie is rated 5 from 8...This movie is rated 5 from 8...This movie is rated 5 from 8...This movie is rated 5 from 8...This movie is rated 5 from 8...This movie is rated 5 from 8...This movie is rated 5 from 8...This movie is rated 5 from 8...

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Miss Congeniality

Miss Congeniality is a romantic comedy about Gracie Hart, a mannish FBI-agent, who goes undercover as a beauty queen contestant. Threats have been made against the contest, and by placing Gracie behind the scenes the FBI may find the perpetrator.
   Gracie's make-over is quite a challenge. Both the beauty expert Victor Melling who is hired to do the job and Gracie herself are more often than not ready to quit.
   Miss Congeniality is actually very funny, but the plot is a bit too slight and silly. What is more, underneath the seemingly harmless comedy an old-fashioned and repressive idea of the ideal woman is hiding.

Directed by:
Donald Petrie

Written by:
Marc Lawrence, Katie Ford and Caryn Lucas.

Sandra BullockGracie Hart
Michael CaineVictor Melling
Benjamin BrattEric Matthews
Candice BergenKathy Morningside
William ShatnerStan Fields
Ernie HudsonMcDonald


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