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Original title:

Made in:
USA 1997

194 min.

at the cinema 27-02-1998

Review read:
189975 times

Our rating
This movie is rated 7 from 8...This movie is rated 7 from 8...This movie is rated 7 from 8...This movie is rated 7 from 8...This movie is rated 7 from 8...This movie is rated 7 from 8...This movie is rated 7 from 8...This movie is rated 7 from 8...

Your rating
This movie has by 5 visitors on average been rated 6.2 out of 8...This movie has by 5 visitors on average been rated 6.2 out of 8...This movie has by 5 visitors on average been rated 6.2 out of 8...This movie has by 5 visitors on average been rated 6.2 out of 8...This movie has by 5 visitors on average been rated 6.2 out of 8...This movie has by 5 visitors on average been rated 6.2 out of 8...This movie has by 5 visitors on average been rated 6.2 out of 8...This movie has by 5 visitors on average been rated 6.2 out of 8...This movie has by 5 visitors on average been rated 6.2 out of 8...

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Unfortunately this movie has not yet been reviewed in English.

Directed by:
James Cameron

Music composed by:
James Horner

Written by:
James Cameron.

Leonardo DiCaprioJack Dawson
Kate WinsletRose DeWitt Bukater (ung)
Billy ZaneCal Hockley
Kathy BatesMolly Brown
Frances FisherRuth DeWitt Bukater
Bernard HillKaptajn Smith
Jonathan HydeBruce Ismay
Danny NucciFabrizio
David WarnerSpicer Lovejoy
Bill PaxtonBrock Lovett
Gloria StuartRose (gammel)
Victor GarberThomas Andrews
Suzy AmisLizzy Calvert
Lewis AbernathyLewis Bodine
Nicholas CasconeBobby Buell
Jenette Goldsteinirsk mor
Camilla Overbye RoosHelga Dahl


Click to see large imageTitanic

Distant Memories (James Horner)
Hard To Starboard (James Horner)
Hymn To The Sea (James Horner)
Leaving Port (James Horner)
My Heart Will Go On (James Horner)
Never An Absolution (James Horner)
Southampton (James Horner)
The Sinking (James Horner)
'Take Her To Sea, Mr. Murdock' (James Horner)

The 6 most debated movies:
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The 5 newest comments about reviewed movies:
About My Name Is Joe:
"NWy05F aognquernxzr, [ur."

About My Name Is Joe:
"1cSGrw piizrurwgmcz, [ur."

About Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone:

About American Graffiti:
"Americans are a strange people."

About Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace:
"A promise of things to come."

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