Original title: Magnetisørens femte vinter
Made in: Sweden, Denmark, Norway 1999
Length: 120 min.
Seen: at the cinema 01-04-1999
Review read: 104346 times


Magnetisørens femte vinter
Magnetisørens femte vinter (The Mesmerist's Fifth Winter) is a brilliant adaptation of P. O. Enquist's novel about the mesmerist Friedrich Meismer, whose character was inspired by the real Franz Anton Mesmer, hence the words 'mesmerist' and 'mesmerize'.
In the winter of 1819 the charismatic Meisner (Ole Lemmeke) tries to set up a practice in a little Swedish town. It is his fifth attempt; until now his attempts have always ended with head-over-heals flight. Meisner realizes that if he manages to cure Maria, the daughter of the respected Doctor Selander, of her blindness, he will gain the respect of the whole community. Yet, from the start he gets a sworn enemy, the young, sceptical Doctor Stenius, who is in love with Maria.
The acting and the photography is superb in this intriguing and intelligent drama, which does not present us with any simple truths.
Directed by:
Written by:
Morten Henriksen from Per Olov Enquist's novel.

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