Original title: The Matrix
Made in: USA 1999
Length: 136 min.
Seen: at the cinema 08-05-1999
Review read: 525933 times


The Matrix is action-packed sci-fi at its best. The story is quite difficult to get hold of because The Matrix takes place in different worlds, the real world and cyber world.
Thomas Anderson, a programmer in a huge corporation, lives a double life as the hacker Neo. When he is kidnapped by a gang of rebels led by the mysterious Morpheus, the awful truth is revealed to him: the world that he lives in is not the real world; it is a virtual reality called the Matrix. This is what Morpheus and now Neo rebel against.
The Matrix is both visually stunning and entertaining from beginning to end, but I did miss one aspect though. In a film whose good guys and bad guys are so distinguishable, is it not a bit odd that one's sense of identification with the good guys is not very strong? They seemed to lack a human touch.
Directed by:
Written by:
Andy Wachowski and Larry Wachowski.

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