Original title: Rebecca
Made in: USA 1940
Length: 130 min.
Seen: on TV 16-04-1989
Review read: 146351 times


Rebecca is Alfred Hitchcock's faithful and near perfect adaptation of Daphne du Maurier's novel about a nameless young woman who makes a living as a companion of a Mrs. van Hopper, who is on holiday in Monte Carlo. There they chance upon Maxim de Winter, a British aristocrat, who becomes taken by the girl's innocence and unspoiled manner. He asks her to marry him and come back to his country house Manderley with him. When the young woman accepts, she does not know that the shadow of the deceased Rebecca, her husband's first wife, lurks at Manderley.
Romance, melodrama, comedy, horror and thriller in perfect harmony. The movie even has a bit of very dry humour.
Whether it is romantic, ominous or uncanny, the compelling atmosphere is masterly conveyed by Hitchcock and his cinematographer, the Oscar-winning George Barnes.
Rebecca does not look her age!
Directed by:
Written by:
Robert E. Sherwood and Joan Harrison from Daphne du Mauriér's novel.
Joan Fontaine | Mrs. de Winter |
Laurence Olivier | Maxim de Winter |
George Sanders | Jack Favell |
Judith Anderson | Mrs. Danvers |
Gladys Cooper | Beatrice Lacy |
Nigel Bruce | Major Giles Lacy |
C. Aubrey Smith | Colonel Julyan |
Reginald Denny | Frank Crawley |
Florence Bates | Mrs. van Hopper |
Melville Cooper | Coroner |
Leo G. Carroll | Dr. Baker |
Alfred Hitchcock | Man outside Phone Booth |

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