Original title: The Falcon and the Snowman
Made in: USA 1984
Length: 131 min.
Seen: at the cinema 12-02-1987
Review read: 85624 times


The Falcon and the Snowman
The Falcon and the Snowman is based on a true story: In 1977 two young Americans were arrested and sentenced for espionage. They sold topsecret information to the Russians. The movie tries to find the answers why the two men acted the way they did. Director John Schlesinger actually tries to show us the world from the spies' point of view.
A gripping drama that is not a thriller in a strict sense.
Timothy Hutton and Sean Penn play the Falcon, a falconer, and the Snowman, a drug pusher.
Directed by:
Written by:
Steven Zaillian from Robert Lindsay's book "The Falcon and the Snowman".

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