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Here you can find:
529 reviews
7156 persons
666 images
131 MIDI files

Click here to read about 'Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace'
Click here to read about 'Entrapment'
Click here to read about 'The Faculty'
Click here to read about 'Witness'
Find film or person: is created by film entusiasts for film entusiasts. The purpose of this site is to offer everybody our serious and independent view on new as well as old, Danish as well as foreign movies. To ensure uniform rating of the movies all reviews are written by a single person, namely Pernille Viinholt-Nielsen, but since film taste differs, we have now created a voting system to enable you to let us know your opinion - thereby creating a contrast to our reviewer's opinion. So do you think Cactus Flower is highly overrated or that Tuff Turf is a great movie, then give us your vote and help us make even better.


The 20 most recent reviews:
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
Proof of Life
The Thomas Crown Affair
The Score
One Night at McCool's
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
The Grinch
Taxi 1
The Mummy Returns
Message in a Bottle
Harry - un ami qui vous veut du bien
Pay it Forward
Et rigtigt menneske
Miss Congeniality
Nothing Personal
Pushing Tin

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