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Alle film produceret i 1987:
Adventures in Babysitting (En vild nat i byen)
Broadcast News
Can't Buy Me Love
The Fourth Protocol (Den fjerde protokol)
Good Morning, Vietnam
Hamburger Hill
Less than Zero (Livet i overhalingsbanen)
Light of Day (Light of Day - Vild med rock)
The Lonely Passion of Judith Hearne (Judith Hearnes hemmelige lidenskab)
Overboard (Pige overbord)
The Princess Bride (Prinsessen og de skøre riddere)
The Running Man (Sidste chance)


De 20 højest vurderede film:
L. A. Confidential
Picnic at Hanging Rock
Brassed Off
The Full Monty
Carne tremula
The English Patient
Portrait of a Lady
Twelfth Night, or What You Will
Rebel Without a Cause
The Purple Rose of Cairo
Back to the Future
Cactus Flower
The Long Kiss Goodnight
The Big Lebowski

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