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Alle film produceret i 2001:
15 Minutes
40 Days and 40 Nights
Along Came a Spider (Edderkoppens spind)
America's Sweethearts
Anja og Viktor
At klappe med een hånd
Atlantis - The Lost Empire (Atlantis - Det forsvundne rige)
A Beautiful Mind (Et smukt sind)
Behind Enemy Lines (Bag fjendes linjer)
The Believer
Bella Martha
Black Hawk Down
Bridget Jones´s Diary (Bridget Jones´ dagbog)
Don't Say a Word
Donnie Darko
The Fast and the Furious
From Hell
Get Over It
Good Advice
Gosford Park
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (Harry Potter og de vises sten)
High Heels and Low Lifes
Huit femmes (8 kvinder)
In the Bedroom
Jurassic Park III
Kate & Leopold
Kissing Jessica Stein (Kissing Jessica)
A Knight's Tale
En kort en lang
La stanza del figlio (Sønnens værelse)
The Last Castle
Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulin (Den fabelagtige Amélie fra Montmartre)
Le Pacte des loups (Pagten)
Legally Blonde (Blondinens hævn)
Life as a House
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (Ringenes Herre - Eventyret om Ringen)
The Majestic
The Man Who Wasn´t There
The Mexican
Min søsters børn
Monsoon Wedding
Monster's Ball
Moulin Rouge
Mulholland Dr. (Mulholland Drive)
The Mummy Returns (Mumien vender tilbage)
The Musketeer
My Big Fat Greek Wedding
The Navigators
Nirgendwo in Afrika (Fortabt i Afrika)
Not another Teen Movie
Ocean's Eleven
One Night at McCool's
The Others
Pearl Harbor
The Pledge (Løftet)
Et rigtigt menneske
En sang for Martin
The Score
Serendipity (Lunefulde lykke)
Shallow Hal (Hals store kærlighed)
The Shipping News
Spy Game
Swordfish (Swordfish - kodeord sværdfisk)
Tomb Raider
Vanilla Sky
The Wedding Planner
Y tu mamá también (...og din mor!)


De 20 populæreste personer:
John Williams
Harrison Ford
Ben Affleck
Alan Silvestri
Hugo Weaving
Hans Zimmer
Viggo Mortensen
Ewan McGregor
Elijah Wood
Steven Spielberg
Sean Connery
George Clooney
Orlando Bloom
Clint Eastwood
Meg Ryan
Stephen King
Danny Elfman
Tom Cruise
Jean-Claude van Damme
Alfred Hitchcock

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