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The 20 most popular persons:
John Williams
Harrison Ford
Ben Affleck
Alan Silvestri
Elijah Wood
Hans Zimmer
Ewan McGregor
Viggo Mortensen
Hugo Weaving
Meg Ryan
Stephen King
Orlando Bloom
Sean Connery
Steven Spielberg
Clint Eastwood
George Clooney
Danny Elfman
Tom Cruise
Jean-Claude van Damme
Alfred Hitchcock


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The 20 most recent reviews:
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
Proof of Life
The Thomas Crown Affair
The Score
One Night at McCool's
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
The Grinch
Taxi 1
The Mummy Returns
Message in a Bottle
Harry - un ami qui vous veut du bien
Pay it Forward
Et rigtigt menneske
Miss Congeniality
Nothing Personal
Pushing Tin

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