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The 20 lowest rated movies:
The Pink Panther Strikes Again
The King and I
Enemy of My Enemy
Tuff Turf
Min farmors hus
At the Circus
Libeled Lady
Hue and Cry
Bus Stop
A Walk in the Clouds
Suzanne og Leonard
Goodbye, Mr. Chips
The Avengers
Hard Eight
Flight of the Navigator
Meet Me in St. Louis
Easter Parade
Intimate Relations


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The 20 most recent reviews:
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
Proof of Life
The Thomas Crown Affair
The Score
One Night at McCool's
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
The Grinch
Taxi 1
The Mummy Returns
Message in a Bottle
Harry - un ami qui vous veut du bien
Pay it Forward
Et rigtigt menneske
Miss Congeniality
Nothing Personal
Pushing Tin

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