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Screenshot fra ''The Faculty''

Læs mere her:
Biografi hos IMDb


Elijah Wood

Har medvirket i:
Ash WednesdaySean Sullivan
Deep ImpactLeo Biederman
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless MindPatrick
The FacultyCasey
The Ice StormMikey Carver
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the RingFrodo Baggins
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the KingFrodo Baggins
The Lord of the Rings: The Two TowersFrodo Sækker


Klik for at se større billedeScreenshot fra ''The Faculty''

De 20 lavest vurderede film:
At the Circus
The Pink Panther Strikes Again
Grease 2
Enemy of My Enemy
Tuff Turf
Min farmors hus
The King and I
Feeling Minnesota
The Andromeda Strain
Goodbye, Mr. Chips
The Brothers Karamazov
Bus Stop
Easter Parade
Heartbreak Ridge

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